Tuesday, November 26, 2019

U.S. military dogs

Faith — Military dogs are heroes. Yet, the U.S. government is sending many of these dogs to foreign agencies known to abuse and starve them. Namrata — whose family and spouse have served — decided to act when she heard reports of the fate of these dogs. She wants what's best for these animals serving their country. Join thousands of supporters in asking the U.S. government to stop sending dogs to their deaths until they can guarantee their care.

Stop Sending U.S. Military Dogs to Jordan for them to be Starved and Abused!

Namrata Singh Gujral started this petition to Department of Justice, US State Department and it now has 201,070 signatures

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The United States keeps sending our military bomb-sniffing dogs to the country of Jordan, where a Federal investigation revealed they are starved and neglected, that many died, and the dogs left are barely surviving. 

The federal investigation recommendation to the United States Department of Justice was to stop sending dogs until there was a sustainability plan put in place, but the Department of Justice has not taken action on this recommendation.

Despite spending "millions of dollars" training and dispatching the dogs, State Department officials failed to ensure their health and welfare, said the report, which was launched after a hotline complaint about the dogs' treatment.

According to the report, the State Department's loose regulation and lack of concrete policies were a big factor in the dogs' mistreatment.

The State Department couldn't provide investigators detailed information for the dogs in other partner countries besides Jordan, and there often aren't any written agreements with the countries outlining how to care for the dogs.

We are asking the United States Department Of Justice to:

  • Stop sending additional dogs to Jordan until policies, a plan and assurances are put into place to properly monitor and ensure the well-being of those military dogs.

  • Investigate and provide investigators detailed information about the dogs and their well-being in the other partner countries besides Jordan.

Let's ensure the protection and care of the U.S. military dogs that work hard and risk their lives every day, serving our and our partner countries.###

[[[ Guys: here are a couple of credible links to this story on CNN and Washington Post]]]

1. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2019/09/16/us/jordan-dog-death-intl-hnk-scli/index.html

2. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.washingtonpost.com/science/2019/09/16/us-officials-knew-bomb-sniffing-dogs-were-dying-neglect-jordan-they-sent-more/%3foutputType=amp

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