Monday, November 18, 2019

RE: Impeaching President Trump

Faith — As expected, the impeachment hearings are leading the news and making headlines across the country. It's why we wanted to make sure you saw our earlier email to let Members of Congress know what you think needs to happen next. Through your signature, you can let your elected officials know if you believe the impeachment effort needs to end or if you see impeachment as the way forward

----- Forwarded Message -----

Faith — This is a historic moment and you have a right to be heard.

The Democrats in Congress have begun public impeachment hearings. It's all leading to the question everyone is asking: Will President Trump be the 3rd president in our nation's history to be impeached?

Congress needs to hear from you. That is why we are making sure they know where you stand. Do you agree with Darlene's petition AGAINST impeachment? Or do you support Ian and Daniella's petition IN FAVOR of impeaching President Trump?

Congress, say no to impeachment!
I believe you must impeach Trump

As an open platform, we believe it is your voice and values that should influence elected officials, not ours. If you want to be sure to let Congress know where you stand on impeachment, take a few seconds to sign the petition that expresses what you believe is the right thing to do.

Congress, say no to impeachment!
I believe you must impeach Trump

The people who started these petitions are not affiliated with did not create the petitions and is not responsible for their content.

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