Wednesday, November 6, 2019



I'm a pediatric oncology nurse. I spend my days treating children with cancer and comforting their families through the trauma of it all. 

That's why I can't simply stand by as Teva Pharmaceuticals prioritizes their profit margin over keeping thousands of sick boys and girls alive.

That's right. Teva Pharmaceuticals – a company that made $7 BILLION dollars in profit last year – has decided to cut costs by taking Vincristine out of production. Vincristine is a life-saving cancer drug, and children depend on it to survive.

Join me in demanding Teva Pharmaceuticals put children over profits. Add your name to pressure the drugmaker to continue making the medication. Families depend on it.

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By stopping production, Teva has prompted a nationwide drug shortage because there is only one other company that makes it, and that company can't cover the gap. Physicians are already starting to ration the medication – offering incomplete doses to innocent kids whose lives hang in the balance.

It makes me sick to think Teva CEO's will get big year end bonuses this year knowing full well that their cost-cutting measures are cutting short children's lives. It's up to us to tell them they can't get away with this.

Liliana Haas

Pediatric oncology nurse, cancer survivor and petition starter

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