Saturday, November 16, 2019

Santa Clarita

Faith — Another school is reeling from a tragic mass shooting. Taylor and the Santa Clarita, California community have had enough of gun violence. They are demanding that Congress take action now before another community suffers. She believes it's "time to see beyond party politics" and push for gun control and better mental healthcare. Sign now to ensure that mass shootings don't become our "new normal."

The people of Santa Clarita urge Congress to do something about mass shootings.

Taylor Doucette started this petition to Donald J. Trump, Nancy Pelosi, Mitch McConnell, chuck schumer, Steny H. Hoyer, Jim Clyburn, Kevin McCarthy, Steve Scalise, Michael Pence, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Gavin Newsome, Scott Wilk and it now has 64 signatures

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Today is a terrible day for the community of Santa Clarita, California. At least five lives hang in the balance, and at least six families have been irreversibly changed. This is so much more than politics- so much more than right or left, red or blue, black or white. The people of Santa Clarita have always been diverse. We have different ideologies, religious beliefs, heritages, and lifestyles. However, we have always been a city united, and a welcome place for everyone. We must band together now more than ever in the face of this senseless tragedy which took place this morning at Saugus High School. Enough is enough.

The citizens of Santa Clarita demand that Congress comes together, like the people of Santa Clarita always will, to pass bipartisan gun control legislation that respects our Second Amendment rights, but makes it much, much harder for tragedies like this to occur on a regular basis. We also urge Congress to address this problem at the source, by making mental healthcare more accessible for all Americans. The people of Santa Clarita will not allow Saugus High to become just another school shooting! Congress, it's time to stop sitting on your hands, acting like nothing can be done about this. It's time to see beyond party politics and stop talking about unrealistic solutions like taking away all guns, or arming teachers.

Congress, it is time for you to face this complex issue and find a real solution, no matter how long it takes! Work together to protect the American people! Stop allowing mass shootings to become our new normal!

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