Thursday, November 21, 2019

Amazon’s plastic

Faith — Millions will turn to Amazon this holiday season. In turn, the company will use trillions of pounds of plastic packaging material. This plastic waste will end up in landfills, oceans, and inside the stomachs of innocent whales and wildlife. Nicole wants Amazon to give shoppers like her a choice to go plastic-free. Join Nicole and other supporters in pressuring Amazon to give people a plastic-free option at checkout.

Get Amazon to Offer Plastic-Free Packaging Options

Nicole Delma started this petition to and it now has 30,975 signatures

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Thousands of the products on Amazon are shipped with plastic wrapping and cushioning materials unnecessarily. 

We are petitioning for a 'Plastic-free' option at checkout and 'Plastic-free' labeling available for sellers who already choose eco alternatives.

If the 'Plastic-free' option needs to carry a surcharge, customers should be allowed to make that choice. It's unfair that so much plastic is being put into the world when it is avoidable and safe eco options to replace bubble wrap, shrink wrap and styrofoam are available. There are over 19 Trillion pounds of plastic already in our oceans. Why add more?

Please grant consumers the choice to go 'Plastic-free'. It's unfair that major businesses leave consumers with so few choices and we are fed plastic we didn't ask for that later ends up in landfills or in our rivers and oceans. Let's take a big step forward and make 'Plastic-free' a regular option on all checkout forms. Amazon has an opportunity to set a GREAT example. 

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