Sunday, November 17, 2019

RE: Rodney Reed

Faith –

On Friday millions of people saved an innocent man's life. But there is still work to be done, and now – more than ever – I need your help to free him.

Rodney Reed has spent over two decades behind bars for a crime he didn't commit. And he will live the rest of his life in prison if we don't take action.

What he wants more than anything is to prove his innocence, hug his mom, children and grandchildren, and enjoy simple pleasures like sharing a meal with his family. Click here to sign my petition calling for Rodney Reed to finally be exonerated and go home.

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Over 20 years ago an all-white jury convicted Rodney of raping and murdering Stacey Stites, with whom he had a consensual affair. I was shocked when I learned this because in my career, I was working to protect women who have experienced domestic violence. This seemed like a straightforward domestic violence case, and I assumed, like many other people assumed, that it was Stacey's fiance who killed her – not Rodney Reed.

In fact, her fiance later confessed to Stacey's murder. But, Rodney has remained in prison despite the flaws in his original trial.

I began to realize that justice for Stacey meant seeking justice for Rodney. I followed the case, attended events, supported efforts seeking exoneration, and shared Rodney's story around Texas. 

Then I had the privilege to meet Rodney, and started visiting him in prison. Today, I consider Rodney part of my family, and one of my best friends.

I know Rodney, and I know he is innocent. I won't sleep well until I have done everything I can. It is incredible seeing so many people speaking out for him, from Dr. Phil and Shaun King to Sister Helen Prejen, Beyonce and Oprah. Not to mention the many elected officials who have made this a truly bipartisan movement to save an innocent man's life.

Rodney will never get his second chance at life if we do not act. By clicking here your name will automatically be added to the petition, then you can share it with your social network.

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Each signature brings hope to the movement for Rodney. Because of people like you, Rodney now has a fighting chance at freedom, after decades behind bars for a crime he didn't commit.

Thank you for being a voice of justice for Rodney and so many other people. You help change lives with your support.

Visit petition page


The person (or organization) who started this petition is not affiliated with did not create this petition and is not responsible for the petition content.

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