Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Yes, Justice Clarence Thomas, we’re looking at you

The honor system just isn't cutting it.
Warren for Senate


There are only nine federal judges who aren't bound by an enforceable code of conduct.

They all serve on the Supreme Court.

And we've all seen the consequences.

Justices ruling on cases with personal and financial conflicts of interests. Refusing to recuse themselves from cases that could impact their own family members. Speaking at events and attending all-expenses-paid trips funded by groups doing business before the Court.

Look: the honor system just isn't cutting it. We need a binding, enforceable code of conduct to ensure that members of the nation's highest court are held to the highest standard of ethics.

So last week, Representative Pramila Jayapal and I reintroduced our Judicial Ethics and Anti-Corruption Act to make it happen. Congress needs to see that the American people are demanding action — will you add your name as a grassroots cosponsor today?

Here's some of what this sweeping package of reforms would accomplish:

  • Make the Supreme Court follow a binding Code of Conduct
  • Ban federal judges from owning individual stocks
  • Tighten restrictions on gifts and privately funded travel (yes, Justice Clarence Thomas, we're looking at you)
  • Overhaul the broken recusal process (once again looking at you, Justice Thomas)
  • Create new tools to hold judges accountable for ethical misconduct

And here's one reason why rooting corruption out of the judiciary is so powerfully important: the public's trust in our judicial system is plummeting.

When someone has their day in court, they shouldn't have to wonder whether the judge in front of them is making decisions based on their financial interests rather than the rule of law. But that's exactly what our current setup enables. And it's crying out for reform.

I'll keep fighting to clean house and restore public confidence in the courts by passing the Judicial Ethics and Anti-Corruption Act. But I can't do it alone.

Please add your name to say you support tackling corruption in our federal judiciary — and let's fight side by side to get this done.

Thanks for being a part of this,


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