Saturday, June 24, 2023

Anniversaries like today’s are hard, Faith. Here’s one way we can channel our anger to action.

Two terrific coalitions are fighting to protect abortion rights in their state constitutions.
Warren for Senate


I'm still angry. And I'm still determined.

One year ago today, right-wing extremists on the Supreme Court put ideology over the rule of law and threw out nearly half a century of precedent to overturn Roe v. Wade.

The consequences have been brutal. For women forced to carry pregnancies against their will. For people denied life-saving health care. For patients forced to somehow take time off work, arrange child care, and pay to travel across state lines for abortions. For parents who were already struggling to make ends meet for the children they already had.

We've also seen an incredible outpouring of activism to fight for the right to an abortion.

For example: last year, this team responded to the Supreme Court's ruling and pitched in to help Reproductive Freedom for All and Kansans for Constitutional Freedom win powerfully important state ballot initiatives. Those groups' victories enshrined reproductive freedom in the Michigan state constitution and held the line on maintaining abortion access in Kansas, a state that's an oasis in a region with severe restrictions.

Even though right-wing extremists have been able to enact their agenda through capturing the courts, it's still clear: the American people overwhelmingly support abortion rights, and we can win at the ballot box when we fight at the ballot box.

So let's keep up the momentum in other states.

Two terrific coalitions are fighting right now to put abortion rights on the ballot in Ohio and Florida. If they succeed, they'd enshrine reproductive freedom in their state constitutions and overturn extreme bans that right-wing lawmakers have enacted.

Can you please split a donation of $15 or any amount between Ohioans for Reproductive Freedom and Floridians Protecting Freedom on today's anniversary of the overturning of Roe? 100% of your contribution will go directly to these two groups.

If you've saved payment info with ActBlue Express, your donation will process automatically:

Ohio's deadline for collecting signatures and getting this measure on the ballot is coming up fast: July 5. They would be on the ballot this November. Florida's initiative would be on the ballot next November, but advocates are already hustling to get all the signatures they need — we're talking outdoor outreach in the summer heat — and we've got to fight by their side.

If we get these measures on the ballot and win these votes, millions more Americans will have reproductive freedom. And we'll continue lighting the way for more progress to come.

I won't stop fighting to protect the right to an abortion nationwide. That means ending the filibuster so we can codify Roe v. Wade into federal law — which is possible if we flip a handful of U.S. House seats, win one more Senate seat, and hold onto the White House. I'll also keep pushing back against the right-wing takeover of our Supreme Court by working to expand and rebalance it. I am in those fights all the way.

But in the meantime, here are two places where we can take concrete action to ensure reproductive freedom for all. Here are two coalitions who can use all the help they can get. And here are two ways we can mark today's anniversary by fighting back against the far right's extreme agenda.

If it makes sense for you right now, please split a donation between Ohioans for Reproductive Freedom and Floridians Protecting Freedom. Help build on last year's victories at the ballot box, and help guarantee the right to an abortion in two more states.

Thanks for being a part of this,


P.S. I hope you're taking good care of yourself today. Anniversaries like these are hard. They hurt. But by channeling our righteous anger into righteous fights, we can turn our pain into power.

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