Friday, June 30, 2023

My response to the SCOTUS decision on student loans

I'm going to continue doing everything I can to ensure this student debt is canceled and fix our broken higher education system.
Warren for Senate


This morning, an extremist Supreme Court substituted politics for the rule of law, denying hard-working Americans life-changing relief from crushing student debt.

I've fought hard for the tens of millions of people who need student loan cancelation — and I'm deeply angry on their behalf right now. But this fight is not over.

President Biden has more tools to cancel student debt — and he must use them. More than 40 million Americans are waiting for promised student debt relief, and they expect the Biden administration to throw everything they've got into the fight until they make good on this commitment.

I'm going to continue doing everything I can to ensure this student debt is canceled and fix our broken higher education system. And, I'm going to continue fighting to reform the Supreme Court and strengthen our democracy so that a small group of right-wing extremists can no longer drown out the will of the people.


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