Sunday, June 25, 2023

re: serving as Vice President

Democrats are facing an uphill battle.
Warren for Senate

Faith, it's Vice President Harris. I'm reaching out today to ask if you'll split a $20 donation between Joe's and my re-election campaign and Senator Warren's campaign. I know 2024 seems like a long way off, so I hope you'll give me a moment to explain why your donation now is so important. 

Democrats nationwide (including Joe, myself, and Elizabeth) are facing an uphill battle. Republicans will do everything in their power — spend any amount of money — to win back the White House and Senate next year. We can't let that happen.

Joe and I are building a winning campaign, and I know from experience that with this team on board, there's nothing we can't accomplish. If you can, please split a $20 donation today between our re-election campaign and Elizabeth's re-election campaign. 

If you've saved payment info with ActBlue Express, your donation will process automatically:

It's been the honor of my life to serve as your vice president, but there's still so much left to accomplish in our second term. So, I have to ask:
Will you stand with Joe, me, Elizabeth, and Democrats nationwide by splitting a $20 donation to support our re-election campaigns today?

Thank you for all that you do for our country.


Headshot of Kamala Harris

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