Friday, June 30, 2023

The Supreme Court has been hijacked. Here’s what we can do.

You don't get what you don't fight for. So I'm staying in this fight all the way.
Warren for Senate


The Supreme Court has been hijacked by right-wing extremists. And they are imposing their deeply unpopular views upon the rest of our country.

Overturning Roe v. Wade. Loosening gun safety restrictions. Rejecting President Biden's legal authority to cancel student debt and making it easier to discriminate against the LGBTQIA+ community. Substituting politics for the rule of law.

It deeply troubles me to think how six justices could care so little about the people who will pay the price of these decisions. The Republican party has been scheming this takeover for decades — but an out-of-touch, out-of-control Court doesn't get the last word. We the people do.

I'm going to keep speaking out on the big, bold ideas we need to take to stop this injustice — like expanding the Supreme Court to rebalance it, ending the filibuster, and fixing the Electoral College.

In the meantime, I'm also going to stay focused on making sure people can still get student debt relief — because the president has more tools he can use to make it happen. And I'll keep working to ensure the right to an abortion, from supporting statewide ballot initiative campaigns to fighting to codify Roe into federal law.

I'm angry — but I'm not giving up hope. We can make sure that our government actually protects our freedoms and works for working people — not just the people who can afford to take Supreme Court justices on a lavish yacht vacation.

Your support fuels this fight, Faith. So if — and only if — you're able to make a contribution before tonight's critical FEC fundraising deadline, you'll help me be able to keep up this work in the Senate. And you'll help demonstrate that these plans have strong support. Please pitch in $20 or anything you can before midnight tonight.

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