Thursday, June 8, 2023

Let Elizabeth Warren know you support her re-election >>

We will keep proving the naysayers wrong. We will keep showing what it looks like to make our government work for everyone, not just the wealthy and well-connected. Are you with us?
Warren for Senate

Faith, right now, it's crucial that Elizabeth has a strong grassroots movement by her side.

Through the years, many pundits and naysayers have said that her plans — like creating a government agency to protect consumers from financial scams, passing a new tax on massive corporate profits, and getting student debt cancellation to the president's desk — are impossible.

But we proved them wrong, and with strength in our numbers, we're going to keep it up.

So Faith, will you please add your name to say you personally endorse Elizabeth's re-election campaign?


Elizabeth dedicated her career to studying how working families in America are getting squeezed.

And in 2008, when Wall Street crashed the economy and millions of American families lost their jobs, their homes, and their savings, she went to Washington. Alongside a grassroots movement, she took on the big banks, fighting to create a government agency called the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. And she beat them.

Elizabeth knows that the plans we're fighting for today — policies that will tackle different pieces of how the rules have been rigged against working people — CAN happen, when we fight for them together.

We will keep proving the naysayers wrong. We will keep showing what it looks like to make our government work for everyone, not just the wealthy and well-connected. Are you with us?

Please click here to add your name to say you support Elizabeth's re-election and the plans that we're fighting for. 

Thanks for being a part of Team Warren 2024,

Team Warren 


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