Thursday, June 15, 2023

FOX called Biden a dictator

That was broadcast on Military TVs


Faith —

You might remember VoteVets' campaign to ban lying FOX hosts on Military bases. We've had some victories. Chief among them: Tucker Carlson is off the air and drowning in lawsuits.

But that campaign is still going, because FOX is still lying and damaging our Armed Forces.

Here's the most recent example:

Trump calling President Biden a dictator on live TV

This outrageous chyron was broadcast through the Armed Forces Network, which serves TV to all of our Military facilities. Who knows how many of our troops saw it.

The damage that undermining the Commander in Chief like this can do to order and discipline in the ranks is extraordinary. This disinformation isn't just divisive — it's dangerous.

The Pentagon has to take action here, and VoteVets is going to keep pushing them to do it.

Chip in $3 right away to support our campaign to ban FOX lies on our Military bases. This is beyond just politics — it will have a direct impact on our National Security.

If you've stored your info with ActBlue, we'll process your contribution instantly:

Thank you,

The team at VoteVets



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