Saturday, June 17, 2023

A central question

To help build a future that works for working people, can you grow our campaign with a donation today?
Warren for Senate


My life's work has been around one central question: What's happening to hardworking people in America?

What's happening to hollow out America's middle class? Why has the road to economic security gotten so rocky and steep — and even rockier and steeper for people of color?

Well, here's the answer: It wasn't an accident. It was because a series of decisions changed who Washington actually works for. I saw a government that only worked great for those with money and power — for those who could hire armies of lobbyists and lawyers. Corruption, pure and simple. So I got in the fight.

I'm fighting for a government that works for families trying to make it payday to payday without getting ripped off — not just giant financial institutions.

I'm fighting for a government that works for people trying to fill a prescription — not just giant drug companies.

I'm fighting for a government that works for everyone who sees the climate crisis bearing down on us — not just Big Oil.

I'm fighting for a government and an economy that works for everyone. That means running for re-election to pass more of the big, bold action we need — like a wealth tax, universal child care, and an end to Washington corruption.

But none of us can get this done alone. It takes a grassroots movement where we fight side by side. So Faith, if you're able to, can you please pitch in $15 or anything you can to support this movement and power our re-election?

Here's how I see this: We need to keep making bold change as a country. Not a nibble here, a piece over there. Big, systemic change. The kind of change that will make this government reflect the will of the people.

We've seen what we can accomplish when the American people elect champions for working families.

We overcame swarms of financial industry lobbyists to create the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which has put $16 billion back in the pockets of Americans who've been cheated.

We beat Big Pharma by allowing Medicare to negotiate for lower prescription drug prices for the first time.

We passed the biggest-ever investment in fighting climate change, which is set to lower carbon emissions by 40 percent.

I'll be the first to say there's more we've got to do, including codifying Roe v. Wade into federal law. If we can come together and expand our Senate majority, and if we can take back the House, we can make more transformational change — not just by the skin of our teeth, but as an unapologetic Democratic majority.

So I'm running for re-election to stay in the fight.

If you're in a place to make a contribution, can you donate $15 or whatever you can to help build our grassroots movement, win our re-election campaign, and build a government that works for working people?

Thanks for being a part of this,


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