Wednesday, November 4, 2020


Faith — All eyes are on states like Pennsylvania to determine the 2020 presidential election. People from both sides of the aisle are coming together to demand every vote be counted. Pittsburgh resident Eva started this petition to count every vote in Pennsylvania. "When election officials take the time to count and verify every ballot, that's a sign that our democracy is working," Eva writes. Add your name to demand that every vote be counted in the critical state of Pennsylvania.

Count every vote in Pennsylvania

5,266 have signed We Go Together PA's petition. Let's get to 7,500!

Sign now with a click

I'm Eva Resnick-Day and I'm a lifelong Pittsburgh resident, a community organizer, and this week I've spent my volunteer time coordinating dozens of volunteers, making thousands of calls, and coordinating rides across the county to make sure every eligible voter can have their vote count in this election. 

The voters we reached were voters who never received their mail in ballot and weren't sure quite where to go to have their vote counted. Voters who didn't even know they were on a mail in ballot list, and were told to vote provisional ballots at their polls. Voters with disabilities, immunocompromised, elderly or sick that either didn't receive their mail in ballot or whose ballot wasn't received by mail, and needed coordinated assistance to have their ballots counted.

Voters turned out anyways. Voters waited in line to vote provisional ballots. Voters drove across the city, and even across the state to take their vote. Despite these hurdles, we're seeing record turnout. Every single one of these votes must count.  

Republicans are currently working persistently through the courts to invalidate tens of thousands of votes of hardworking Pennsylvania voters who simply missed their 'secrecy envelope' or a signature and showed up in person to correct it.  All of these voters deserve to have their voice and vote heard.  

When election officials take the time to count and verify every ballot, that's a sign that our democracy is working.

No matter what we look like, how much money we make, who we love, or how we worship, every one of us should feel confident that our votes count and our voices are heard.  

We might not have answers on election night this year. This is going to be a long process and people will be impatient.  We might hear victory speeches. But at the end of the day the only number that counts is the one certified by the state, and owe it to voters to make sure every single ballot is counted. 

Sign this petition if you believe the people should decide the election, not the courts, and the best way to know the will of the people is to count every ballot. I see how hard our community works to get out the vote and make sure everyone is represented. Don't let their votes be thrown away!

Sign now with a click

Visit petition page

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