Sunday, November 29, 2020


Faith — Hulu announced that it would be increasing its price for Hulu Live by $10 every month. This will be the second price hike in 2020. Diane says the streaming platform is taking advantage of customers during a pandemic. Sign this petition now and demand Hulu stops gouging customers.

Tell Hulu to stop price-gouging customers

1,634 have signed Diane DiPiero Rodio's petition. Let's get to 2,500!

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Stop Hulu from price-gouging customers.

Hulu announced without warning that it would be increasing its monthly price for Hulu Live by an extra $10 a month beginning December 2020. This comes on the heels of a similar price hike within the last 12 months. The price will go from $54.99 a month to $64.99 a month on Dec. 18. Since May of 2017, when Hulu Live was launched, the monthly price has increased from $40.99 to now $64.99. If you have Hulu Live without commercials, you'll soon be paying $70.99 a month.

To increase pricing by this much without offering any new services or fixing any existing problems, and to do so right before the holidays and during a pandemic, is unconscionable. It is clear that Hulu recognizes many people are watching more television since the pandemic, and the company is capitalizing on that.

While streaming is a luxury and not a right, it still should be something that is affordable to most people who want it. What's more, the idea that a company can increase fees to a service without any fair warning, without any options, and without giving a good reason why leads to anger and distrust among consumers. This is simply bad business and it's unethical.

Please tell Hulu that its unfair price hikes are a disservice to loyal customers.

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