Saturday, November 14, 2020

First 100 days


We believe everyone deserves a voice for change. This election had the highest voter turnout in history, proving that you and millions of others like you will raise your voice and demand to be heard. 

Change doesn't end on Election Day. As the new administration and a new session of Congress gears up, it's time to get your demands on their agenda. So what are the issues most important to you that you want to see solved within their first 100 days? Now is the time to speak up. Now is the time to start a petition.

Start a petition to shape their agenda

Not sure where to start? Identify one issue and the kind of action you want the administration or Congress to take on it within its first 100 days. Be specific. Remember, your representatives have one job: representing you. 

Start a petition to inform their priorities

Your petition isn't just a page on the internet. It's a direct message to lawmakers that you and your signers demand action.

After the ballots are counted, the celebrations die down, and the political pundits go home, the work starts. 

This is the work, and you have the power to make it happen. 

Thank you for taking action,

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