Monday, November 16, 2020

Amend constitution?

Faith — Once elected, it is rare that politicians are removed from office. In Congress, over 90% of incumbents are re-elected. Carla thinks this means elected officials lose a sense of responsibility to their constituents. And they lose touch with what the public want. Carla wants to amend the Constitution so our Senators, Congressmen and Governors have limits on their political terms. Add your name to this urgent petition.

Amend the Constitution to add term limits for Senators, Representatives and Governors.

10,996 have signed Carla Hoylock's petition. Let's get to 15,000!

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98% of incumbents are re-elected and as a result, Congressional elections are stagnant. Our leaders are suppose to represent We The People. However, the system has proven that once they are elected, they have little chance of being removed from office. This truth, makes our leaders more akin to lords and tyrants than political servants of We The People. The State and Federal governments have become so far removed from The People they represent, that they no longer have a sense of accountability for their actions that continue to harm We The People. Thus, We The People need to reinvigorate accountability into our government by forcing our leaders to adopt self restraint upon themselves by introducing a new amendment that will force term limits on our Senators, Congressmen and Governors who have become career politicians and yes We The People need to fix America.

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