Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Faith, help count every vote

Faith —

Election night is over, but we still don't know who our next president will be. We knew it could get messy, and now we're living through that uncertainty. Will my state throw out my mail-in ballot? Will my vote even be counted?

Voting is a right granted to every American citizen, yet we're witnessing countless efforts to ignore that right. Our democracy is at stake, and it's up to us to help ensure every vote is counted. One way to do that is by starting a free petition to make sure your voice is heard. 

Start a petition to count all votes in your state

Not sure where to start with your petition? Consider who holds power in your state or county, people like the governor, secretary of state, or county election commissioner. One of these people has the power to make sure every vote is counted – or to throw them out. Your representatives need to hear you demand that every American's vote be counted.

Start a petition to count all votes

Legislators have to be accountable to their constituents and will only get away with ignoring legitimate votes if we allow it. Will you let them? 

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