Do you want to know what helps me sleep at night, Faith?
It's knowing that last year, over 5,000 of our grassroots supporters signed up to make a monthly recurring donation to Leaders We Deserve.
Monthly donations are absolutely crucial to sustaining a movement like ours. I'll explain more in a minute, but first, could you set up a monthly donation today?
Alright, here's the thing: We're a brand new organization, less than a year old. We don't know what our funding will look like in the future. We don't know what needs will arise, or what emergencies will pop up. We do know our mission — to do everything we can to elect more young people to office — but campaigning and running for office is expensive! It's one of the biggest barriers young people face when they're considering running for office.
But when we can log in to ActBlue and see how much we can expect each month in recurring donations, it means Kevin and I can budget out those resources toward our most pressing needs. Whether that's through supporting our slate of candidates or paying the electric bill for our office, it is 10000% easier to plan for the future when we can expect a certain amount of money to come in each week.
Plus, we need to get to work helping elect candidates WAY before Election Day. Far too often, support only starts coming in a month or two before Election Day, when it's too late to hire and train organizers, buy TV ad placements, and compete with a candidate who already poured a ton of money into the race.
I didn't know about this before Maxwell Frost's race, but earning early investments is extremely important for any campaign, especially those with a primary election.
Why? Many organizations look to see how much early money candidates raise to inform whether they should get involved in the race or not. They treat those finance reports as their own version of a poll to see who is likely to win. This creates a snowball effect behind the candidate who raised the most money early on, which leads to more money, more endorsements, more attention, and more power.
The problem is far too often that early money comes from corrupt special interests — so groups like the NRA are deciding which candidate will win the primary months in advance, by pouring their resources behind whatever candidate they have in their back pocket.
In response to that, we are here to use your support to back young, progressive candidates early on, to show their credibility and get the snowball effect behind the leaders we deserve.
Thank you for considering making this very impactful and important decision!
—David Hogg

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