Hey there, it's Jon Hamm, born-and-raised Missourian.
In a moment, I'm going to ask you to chip in $10 or whatever you can afford toward my friend Lucas Kunce's campaign for U.S. Senate in Missouri. But first, please give me a moment to explain what my home state is up against in this election and why I'm supporting Lucas.
Most of my family is from a town called Ste. Genevieve. I've watched their community go downhill for years.
While corrupt politicians shipped jobs overseas and voted to give handouts to Wall Street and their corporate allies, everyday people just trying to survive in the place they call home ran out of money and opportunities.
Our leaders abandoned them — and Josh Hawley is the perfect example.
Instead of fighting for what would make the communities in my home state stronger, Josh Hawley has been busy engaging in out-of-touch culture wars and selling us his book all about "manhood" — telling the whole world that the only way to be a man is to be exactly like him.
Well… when I think about manhood, I think about courage. And that's not something you can give speeches or write a book about.
Missouri is the Show Me State. Courage is something you have to show us.
That's why I'm supporting Lucas Kunce for Missouri's U.S. Senate seat. As a born-and-raised Missourian who joined the Marines to serve the community that took care of him growing up, Lucas has already shown us that he knows the true meaning of courage.
Lucas knows courage is about standing up to the powerful and working to rebuild our state. And he knows real leaders fight to empower everyday people and secure our future for generations to come — not for their own power or profit.
So, if you want to be told about manhood, some guy wrote a book about it. But if you want someone to show you real courage, please join me in supporting Lucas Kunce's campaign for U.S. Senate by chipping in $10 or whatever you can afford today.
If you've stored your info with ActBlue Express, we'll process your contribution instantly:
Lucas has been working hard to put Missouri's Senate race on the map in 2024. From calling out Josh Hawley's blatant corruption to building a coalition of working people, national organizations, and local leaders — he is Democrats' best chance to defeat a GOP incumbent and flip a U.S. Senate seat this election cycle.
He's building a truly grassroots campaign, without a cent from corporate PACs, to defeat Hawley and take back power for everyday working Missourians — just like my friends and family members all across the state.
It has never been more important to elect a warrior for working people like Lucas Kunce to the U.S. Senate. So please, will you join me in supporting Lucas' campaign by chipping in $10 or whatever you can afford today?
Thanks for standing with me,
Jon Hamm

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