Thursday, April 13, 2023

About Clarence Thomas

Public trust in the Supreme Court was already at historic lows, and I wouldn't be surprised if it just keeps getting worse.
Warren for Senate


Public trust in the Supreme Court was already at historic lows — and I wouldn't be surprised if it just keeps getting worse from here.

The latest revelations about Justice Clarence Thomas make it even more clear that the judicial branch needs real ethics reform, from top to bottom. I've got a plan for that — the Judicial Ethics and Anti-Corruption Act.

From banning federal judges from owning individual stocks to overhauling the broken judicial recusal process, this bill would help root out corruption and restore public trust in the federal judiciary. But we have to fight side by side — as a grassroots movement — to get these reforms through Congress.

I'll keep fighting to root corruption out of our federal judiciary, and I need you in this fight with me. Please add your name if you agree: Judges must follow a basic, binding code of ethics in order to sit on the bench.


Simply put, corruption is toxic to our democracy. Here are a few big pieces of how this bill would give Americans confidence that their judges are held to the highest ethical standards and are free from conflicts of interest:

  • Banning federal judges from owning individual stocks and certain other investments.
  • Strengthening restrictions on judicial gifts and privately funded travel.
  • Imposing the existing Code of Conduct for U.S. Judges on the Supreme Court — the only court in the country not currently subject to a binding ethical code.
  • Improving disclosure of judicial speeches and case assignments, while mandating the livestreaming of court proceedings.
  • Closing the loophole that allows judges to escape accountability by retiring from the bench, strengthening disciplinary authority for the Judicial Conference, setting up expedited impeachment procedures for federal judges, and allowing the public to file complaints against Supreme Court Justices — like all other federal judges — through a new Supreme Court Complaints Review Committee.
  • Limiting the ability of courts to seal records that contain important information for the protection of public health or safety, often concealed at the urging of massive corporations.

Faith, beyond this bill, there's more we can do to restore faith in an independent judiciary committed to the rule of law. I've been pushing to expand the Supreme Court by four or more seats to rebalance this institution that's been hijacked by right-wing extremists. But let's make progress by tackling corruption.

There's real momentum behind the judicial ethics reform. But now we need to show that the American people are raising their voices on this.

Will you add your name to say you support our Judicial Ethics and Anti-Corruption Act? Make your voice heard on this issue that is powerfully important to our democracy.

Thanks for being a part of this,


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