Thursday, April 27, 2023

It’d mean the world to me to have you with me in this fight

If I'm going to win this thing, I'll need you by my side from the very beginning.
Warren for Senate

Faith, did you hear? I'm officially running for re-election, and Elizabeth let me send you this note to talk about this campaign.

When I ran in 2020, I set out to do three things: Restore the soul of our nation, rebuild the backbone of America — the middle class — and create a government to work for us, rather than against us.

Together, we took our economy back from the brink. We took aggressive action to bring costs down for working people — all while making wealthy and corporations pay their fair share. We passed the first federal gun violence prevention legislation in 30 years. We took the strongest action on climate in the world — I'm not kidding.

We've got a lot of work to do and a lot of progress we've got to make in the second term. But we've got to finish the job. And I can only do that with you behind me.

So, will you chip in a few bucks — or even $10 — split between Elizabeth Warren and my re-election campaign? It'd mean the world to me to have you with me in this fight.

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Grassroots supporters just like you helped elect Kamala, me, and Democrats up and down the ballot nationwide. And I'm so proud of the incredible progress we've made together, Faith.

But every generation has a moment where they have had to stand up for democracy. To stand up for their fundamental freedoms. I believe this is ours.

So, will you stand with me and Elizabeth Warren by splitting a $10 donation between our re-election campaigns today?

From the bottom of my heart, thank you.


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