Thursday, October 10, 2019

We believe in you

Faith, I have a confession.

You know all those emails you get? The ones that are asking you to give to one cause or another? I'm the guy who sends them to you.

Yep. I'm THAT guy. 

But believe it or not, I love being that guy. Not because I want to flood your inbox, but because those emails are one of our best ways to make sure when everyday people want to fight injustice, make their communities safer, or save lives, they can.

Still, I get it. I get all those emails too and it can be overwhelming. It's hard to read them all, let alone be able to give to so many worthy causes. That is why I'm reaching out to you now.

We need 600 monthly Members before the end of the year. That is the number that will determine what level of support we can provide people like you going into 2020. 

Typically, I would spend the next few months sending up 20 emails to make sure that the goal is met. I send those emails so the rest of our team can spend their days supporting the petitions you care deeply about. 

Behind each petition is a person who is not one of the elites, not well-connected, and doesn't have a large bank account to buy influence. What they have is you.

This means sending you all those emails. But if this email was able to convince 600 people — people like you — I wouldn't have to send another membership email this year. Not only would you get 20 fewer emails, but you'll also have the satisfaction of being a hero to the millions who use to make a difference.

Whether you are able to become a Member today — and I hope you do — now you know a bit more about why you've been getting these emails. Each one leads to the support of thousands of petition starters, who in turn, impact the lives of millions.

Thank you for making our mission possible. You are a part of a special community and we are so thankful for your passion and support. is a Public Benefit Corporation dedicated to empowering everyone to create the kind of change they want to see. Contributions from people like you help keep our platform free, open and independent.

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