Monday, October 14, 2019

Killed in her own home?

Faith — On Saturday, Atatiana Jefferson was in her home playing with her 8-year-old nephew when she was shot and killed by a white police officer in Fort Worth, Texas, only 4 seconds after he saw her. Today the officer has already resigned, but Carys Serries started this petition demanding justice for Atatiana's death and for criminal charges to be brought against the officer. Sign now for Atatiana, and for justice.

Justice For Atatiana Jefferson, Murdered in her Home by a White Police Officer!

Carys Serries started this petition to Fort Worth Police Department, Betsy Price and it now has 9,394 signatures

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On the 13th October 2019, a white police officer shot and killed Atatiana Jefferson, a pre-med graduate from Xaviour University, in her own home whilst she was looking after her 8 year old nephew. Her neighbour had called a Wellness Check on her as he had noticed her door was left open. A white police officer, then instead of knocking, snuck around the side of the house. After noticing Jefferson standing in her home through the window, he shouted "Hands up!", and before Jefferson had time to react, 4 seconds later, he murdered her. This occurred only 30 minutes west from where Botham Jean, a black man was shot in his own home by another white police officer who was convicted and sentenced to ten years in prison. However, Fort William Police Department have chosen to put him on paid leave. This is absurd, and a horrendous case of unjustice. Smith should be arrested for murder and Jefferson should receive full justice!

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