Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Trump: Release your taxes

Faith — Last week, a federal judge in New York rejected Trump's effort to bury his tax returns — rejecting the president's argument that he was immune from criminal investigation. As expected, Trump appealed and the release of his returns is paused again. Nancy and over 450,000 supporters are demanding the president comes clean and finally releases his tax returns to the American people. Join Nancy by signing now.

We want to see Trump's tax returns.

Nancy Huehnergarth started this petition to Donald J. Trump and it now has 456,125 signatures

Sign now with a click

President Trump calls reports of his alleged compromising ties to Russian businesses and government officials, "FAKE NEWS - A TOTAL POLITICAL WITCH HUNT." He can prove it by releasing his tax returns.

Who does our president owe money to? Can they use his debt to manipulate our Commander-in-Chief? Is he receiving income from foreign sources to his businesses from which he has yet to divest?

The answers are easy to discover if he releases his tax returns.

In a press conference, Trump told the assembled reporters, "The only people who seem to care about my tax returns are you people here."

Our country does care. In fact, according to an ABC/Washington Post poll, 74% of Americans (including 53% of Republicans) want him to RELEASE HIS TAX RETURNS.

Every major presidential candidate for the past 40 years has voluntarily released their tax returns. President Nixon even released his tax returns while under audit. Why does President Trump refuse to release his taxes if he has nothing to hide?

Please sign and SHARE this petition calling on President Trump to RELEASE HIS TAX RETURNS NOW.

Sign now with a click

Visit petition page

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