Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Killing unsuspecting polar bear cubs?

Faith — The Department of the Interior has big plans for oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, which has grave consequences for the last remaining polar bears. The heavy trucks used for seismic surveys will crush undetected polar bear dens, causing mother bears to flee and leaving cubs defenseless. For this already threatened species, every cub matters. Help Michael and Frank reach 1 million signatures to close this wilderness to drilling before its destroyed.

NO Drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge!

Michael Cianos and Frank Escalona started this petition to U.S. Senate, U.S. House of Representatives and it now has 197,217 signatures

Sign now with a click

There are few places left on earth that haven't been changed by industry and development, but the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) is one of those places. Now, after a decades-long fight, the U.S. Senate has just passed a Taxation Bill that will allow for the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to be opened for oil and gas drilling. With all that we now know about the effects of drilling on its surrounding ecosystem, allowing drilling in Arctic National Wildlife Refuge signals an absolute surrender of our society to corporate interests.

Join us in demanding that the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge be protected from oil drilling.

The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge includes eighteen major rivers, hundreds of species of birds, land and marine mammals, and fish. Among the many inhabitants of the refuge are the Gwi'ichin people, who live in the far northern reaches of the state of Alaska, and who for generations, have depended on the animals who live there. All of these creatures and landscapes are under imminent threat with the refuge opened for drilling.

What's worse is that pulling more oil out of the ground would mean prolonging an energy system that we KNOW cannot sustain itself and is threatening our future on this planet. The money, time and resources going into drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge should be put towards other means of securing our future energy needs.

Keep the oil in the ground and protect the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge by signing our petition.

This is by no means a done deal – there are several steps that must be taken before the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is opened for drilling. It's up to us to oppose every single effort to do so. Please stay in touch with our updates as they will provide ways in which you can take critical action.

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Visit petition page

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