AMAZING UPDATE FROM THE WASHINGTON POST: "Rachel Maddow is bringing viewers back to MSNBC — and giving them hope" | [1] Rachel Maddow is a WARRIOR. She returned to MSNBC for the first 100 days of Trump's presidency to expose his corruption! [2] Democrats need to show her support in RECORD numbers, or Trump's new administration could SILENCE her! [3] So we are sending Maddow a MASSIVE letter to let her know that we stand with her 100% in her mission to EXPOSE Trump. We just need [100] signatures from Virginia to give Rachel Maddow the support she needs to take down Trump. Can you sign before 10:00 AM tomorrow? Dear Rachel Maddow, | Thank you for exposing Trump’s crimes and corruption again and again in the face of massive Republican pushback. | Despite attacks from Trump’s cronies, you continue showing the American public how ridiculous and dangerous the GOP agenda is. | Your show will is so important in this dark time in our nation's history. | But I know continued attacks from Republicans could pressure you to stop attacking Trump on your show. That’s why I’m sending this letter along with other Virginia Democrats to show MASSIVE public support for your continued crusade against Trump. | | I support you, | x. Faith Dillard Azzolina | ** SIGNATURE NEEDED BEFORE 10:00 AM TOMORROW** Counting on your signature, - Progressive Turnout Project The Washington Post: "Rachel Maddow is bringing viewers back to MSNBC — and giving them hope" |
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