Today Congress did its constitutional duty by certifying the November election results.

Faith, today Congress did its constitutional duty by certifying the November election results.
No fake objections. No rioting. No drama. It was a pretty big contrast from the last time around, and I was really happy to see that.
Because if we really care about democracy as much as we say we do, we can't go around calling every election we lose "rigged" and trying to overturn it. We have to be better than that.
But that doesn't mean I'm going to agree with everything the new administration does. Far from it — I'm completely sure they're gonna do a lot of things I disagree with.
So over the next four years I'm going to keep fighting for our values. To strengthen unions, protect our rights, and make government work better for working folks in all 67 PA counties.
That's the kind of leadership Pennsylvanians deserve, and grassroot support from yinz + youse is absolutely crucial to helping me keep it up.
So Faith, if you want to keep this seat 🔵 and help me keep fighting for working folks in every corner of PA, please chip in a $50 donation today. It really helps a lot.
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❤️ John
John Fetterman
U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania
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