Sunday, December 15, 2019

KKK Grand Wizard

Faith — Right now, sitting in the Tennessee State Capitol is a bust of the KKK's first Grand Wizard, Nathan Bedford Forrest. Forrest was a slave trader and has been labeled a terrorist by the state's museum. Local publication 'The Tennessee Holler' is calling on Governor Lee and the State Capitol Commission to remove the bust. If you agree that KKK glorification has no place in a U.S. state capitol, sign now.

Move the KKK Grand Wizard Bust Out Of Tennessee's State Capitol

The Tennessee Holler started this petition to Governor Lee & The State Capitol Commission and it now has 7,173 signatures

Sign now with a click

Tennessee has a bust of Nathan Bedford Forrest, the KKK's first Grand Wizard, featured prominently in our state Capitol building. Forrest was a slave trader who slaughtered many black soldiers. The state museum calls him a "terrorist.

Add your email and join the call for Governor Lee and the State Capitol Commission to start the process to #MoveTheBust. 

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Visit petition page

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