Wednesday, February 19, 2025

tell these 8 senators to reject Kash Patel for FBI director

Donald Trump wants to put a MAGA fanatic and "deep state" conspiracist named Kash Patel in charge of the entire Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).
  • Patel has been brazen in announcing his intention to weaponize the FBI against government officials, journalists, nonprofit groups, and the American people.
  • Multiple whistleblowers have come forward to report that Patel — while still a private citizen with, as of yet, no legitimate authority over the FBI whatsoever — has personally directed a recent purge of senior officials at the bureau.
  • It recently came to light that Patel has served as a paid agent of the nation of Qatar and failed to identify himself as such under the Foreign Agents Registration Act.
  • In a Senate hearing on how he could possibly be fit to run the nation's top law enforcement agency, Patel claimed not to be familiar with a far-right podcaster who promotes antisemitism and white supremacism — even though he has been on the man's podcast eight times.
  • Patel admits he owns up to $5 million worth of stock in a gigantic and controversial Chinese company — which he says he will refuse to give up even if he becomes FBI director.
And those are just a few "highlights."

Look, whenever we talk about the FBI, we must acknowledge that as an institution it has a long history of discrimination, corruption, and brutality. Putting Kash Patel in charge of the FBI would be to double down on that shameful history and would be a direct threat to the American people and our national security.

The Senate is expected to vote on Patel's nomination tomorrow. Many Republican senators, even though they know better, will rubber-stamp Patel's nomination in groveling fealty to Donald Trump.

But there are some Senate Republicans — including Bill Cassidy (Louisiana), Susan Collins (Maine), John Curtis (Utah), Jerry Moran (Kansas), Lisa Murkowski (Alaska), James Risch (Idaho), Mike Rounds (South Dakota), and Todd Young (Indiana) — whose votes are not locked in.

And they need to hear from as many people as possible that we are depending on them to have the fortitude and patriotism to put the American people before blind obedience to Trump.

Take action today even if you've taken action before on Patel's nomination.

Take action today even if none of these senators represent your state. Kash Patel would be a threat to our entire country as FBI director, so these eight senators need to hear from people all across America right now.

To Senators Cassidy, Collins, Curtis, Moran, Murkowski, Risch, Rounds, and Young:

Kash Patel is manifestly unqualified to run a Dairy Queen — nothing against Dairy Queen — much less the Federal Bureau of Investigation. You know this. The American people are counting on you to have the fortitude and patriotism to reject Patel, even if it means standing up to Donald Trump this one time.

Click to add your name now.

Thanks for taking action.

For justice,

- Lisa Gilbert & Robert Weissman, Co-Presidents of Public Citizen

P.S. As we fight to block Trump's dangerous and unqualified nominees for essential roles throughout the federal government, some people ask what happens if we defeat one person and Trump nominates someone else just as bad or even worse. The answer is simple: we fight that person too, and the one after that, and the one after that. What we don't do — what we absolutely will not do — is throw up our hands and give in.
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