Hey, Faith — did you know $13.86 is our average contribution for 2023?
Here's why we're proud of that number: Our average contribution proves that this movement is powered by small-dollar donations. We've relied on real people like you donating what + when they're able to since Day One — and we plan to keep it that way.
Here's why we're also nervous about that number: it's lower than usual, which means we could fall behind our long-term fundraising goals…
Allow us to dive further into our average donation amount and why it matters so much.
This time last year, our 2022 average donation was around $29.13. Now we've dipped down all the way to $13.86.
In a weird way, we're proud of it! Here's why:
A low average donation is the hallmark of a real people-powered campaign. It shows that we're not funded by corporate PACs or billionaires with deep pockets.
But, on the other hand, it means the money we used to raise from a single donation — well, now we need two to raise the same amount!
We can't afford to let our fundraising dip *too* low, Faith. So, we're asking those of you who have already graciously supported this campaign to dig deep and make another contribution
Thank you for all you do.
— Team Fetterman

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