Saturday, June 11, 2022

Banning drag shows instead of guns

Faith — Earlier this week, a Texas legislator proposed a bill that would ban minors from watching drag shows.This legislation was introduced just two weeks after 19 children were murdered by an AR-15 in their elementary school. Amy started her petition because she knows elected officials in Texas should rethink their legislative priorities. Instead of banning drag shows, she wants to see Texas protect children in a meaningful way. She's hoping you'll join her in fighting against this bill to ban drag shows.

Block the TX bill to ban drag shows

1,993 have signed Amy Divo's petition. Let's get to 2,500!

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Two weeks after 19 children were murdered by an AR-15 in their elementary school, Texas lawmakers have decided that the best way to protect our children is to file a bill that will ban drag shows in front of minors. Please understand that, in Texas, it is legal for a minor to posses and consume alcohol if the minor is in visible presence of their legal-aged parent, legal guardian, or spouse. Therefore, Texas law allows parents to subject a minor to risk of brain damage and substance abuse, but not enjoy family-friendly entertainment with an accepting, body-positive, and loving community. Please help protect YOUR freedom of choice and YOUR right to privacy and sign this petition. Stand for your right to be who you are. A true Texan doesn't want the government in their personal life, when the government starts infringing on a few people's rights, it only creates opportunity to infringe on everyone. Block this bill if you stand for freedom. 

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