Friday, May 6, 2022

No Amber Alert for a missing girl?

Faith — Last Sunday night, 10-year-old Lily Peters disappeared. The next day, she was found dead. While police leapt into action to find her, they never sent out an Amber Alert. Police said her disappearance didn't meet the requirements. Eric started a petition calling for a 'Lily Alert' for situations like this one. Add your name to urge legislators to make sure something like this never happens to another child again.

Lily alert for missing kids

141,289 have signed Eric Henry's petition. Let's get to 150,000!

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I'd like to formally start a petition to create a Lily alert. A 10 year old girl went missing in Chippewa falls, Wisconsin. The child was reported missing after a bike ride to her aunt's house. She was reported missing around 9pm. Her bike and body where located the next morning. The police called it a homicide. An amber alert was never sent due to the rules around what constitutes its use. We need something more. Any parent would agree that when a child is missing even for a short amount of time and they need help then help should be sent. The community is devastated and rallied to start a search group for the missing child. We can do better as a community and must be more proactive. We need an alert with less regulations around it so we can respond quicker to missing children. 

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