Wednesday, February 10, 2021


Faith — In the midst of this pandemic, millions of families are working and going to school virtually. Comcast has just made that harder. By imposing data caps, families who are already struggling could see their internet bill increase by $100 a month. Luiz has 3 kids who are in virtual class all day, and he knows his bill is about to increase. Sign his petition to fight for all the families who can't afford any extra costs right now. 

Comcast: Don't impose a data cap during the pandemic

8,715 have signed Luiz Lucena's petition. Let's get to 10,000!

Sign now with a click

Comcast Xfinity is taking advantage of a pandemic situation and trying to get more money from customers. Their new data cap means that families who are already struggling could have to pay up to $100 more a month for internet access.

My family – like so many others – is working and schooling from home. I have 3 kids using videoconferencing from 7am to 3pm every weekday and I have to take meetings online, too. We will most definitely exceed the Comcast data cap.

With this COVID-19 pandemic, families rely on internet access for work, school, and entertainment because we cannot go to parks or other amusements as we did before. Comcast is making our everyday lives harder during an already difficult time.

Families are struggling. Many of us have no choice but to stay at home to keep our families safe. Imposing a data cap and charging customers is mercenary behavior.  Sign the petition to urge Comcast to remove the data cap – at least during this pandemic.

Sign now with a click

Visit petition page

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