Saturday, February 27, 2021

[Monthly Newsletter] Know all about us. πŸ€—

The Best of February 2021
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Hello there! 


How have you all been? I hope February has been a good month for you!
With the world powering through to get on top of vaccinations against COVID,
it is definitely something to look forward to. 

The shortest month of the year was packed with a lot of exciting events, launches, learning and milestones for all of us here at VAHDAM® India, and we are pretty stoked to tell you all about it. 

Let's jump right in. 


Our Limited-Edition Blends and an Overwhelming Response
In our last newsletter, we had mentioned that we had started a limited-edition blend for each month with a limited quantity of only 250 units. For the month of Valentine's, we launched a Lavender Rose White Tea Blend to celebrate the essence of love, be it with a loved one or just to show some kindness to yourself! And, we were sold out in just three days. The next one is a Women's Day special. Hit Reply to pre-book yours now.


The Cupid Sale

We also rolled out a special up to 40% discount especially for Valentine's Day this month. Our Blush tea gift set was the most-picked product and undoubtedly the crowd's favourite. 


Our First Wellness Savings Carnival - Now a monthly trend! 

We wanted to lift your spirits up and hence we started with our Wellness Savings Carnival this month. This will be a monthly thing for our existing base of loyal customers who get an exciting 25% OFF on our delectable range of teas and enjoy major savings! We sold out like hotcakes and the next one is up in 2 days! So be on the lookout. 


VAHDAM® India as a New Home Base! 

From the last update, we are elated to share that we moved our base to our stunning new Headquarters and will be officially based out of there from March. It will house our entire manufacturing and executive office. Let's raise a toast to new beginnings.

TEAch Me's "Getting Ready for School" Campaign 

Now with the schools reopening in India, we wanted to get the children pumped-up about getting back to school and hence launched our "Getting Ready for School" campaign in partnership with our good friends at BYJUs, where we distributed 3000 lunch boxes and pencil cases to the kids. Learning needs to be fun!

With Love, From America

Here's a testimonial from a dear customer in America that touched our hearts!

"I am a coffee-drinking American; when I drink tea, it's in a bag and mass-produced.
Recently started to do better with my lifestyle and choices. Turmeric was something I have been considering adding to my new regimen. I was taken aback by the relatively low cost of your product, the fact that it comes from India is helping the people of India, and of course, the cute starter teapot included. I have grown particularly fond of the Turmeric Spice blend.
The only tea in the starter kit I have not yet tried is the Turmeric and Saffron.

My next purchase will be towards the green teas as I believe the teas I currently have are of the black tea variety. Good Job and delivery was pretty quick. Totally satisfied.

Sign be confirmed, tea drinker."


- Lauren Dern


We Measured Our Carbon Footprint 

We have been calculating our total carbon footprint and we realised that due to the fact that most of us have been working from home, we actually have had a significantly low carbon footprint!
To forward our promise to do more towards a sustainable planet, we are in the process of coming up with a permanent hybrid work-from-home policy.

Featured in GQ Magazine

We are very excited to share that our founder and CEO, Bala Sarda, was featured amongst the top 25 influential young Indians in the esteemed GQ magazine. We wanted to share this small victory and hope to share the joy of it with you as well! 


That's all for now folks! 


We promise to be back next month with some more exciting updates. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this. 


Please feel free to hit reply and tell us what's on your mind! What more do you want to know about us? We would love to hear from you. 


Until next time, 


Drishti Singhal

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Vahdam Teas 340 S Lemon Avenue, #2812 Walnut, California 91789

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