Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Make 9/11 a federal holiday

Faith — September 11, 2001 is a day that this country will never forget. Leah — a postal worker — wants 9/11 to be a federal holiday so that every year, Americans can remember, reflect on, and grieve the national tragedy. She needs your support now to help make the change by this time next year.

Make 9/11 a Federal Holiday

Leah'A Greer started this petition to U.S. Senate and it now has 33,327 signatures

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In the years following September 11, 2001, the grieving process for the families affected by that day has not become any easier. It is a day of mourning from such tragedies that the United States will forever remember and be affected by. The families of the workers and First Responders should be able to take that day for mourning.

September 11th should be a mental health day, to give our nation a break to remember their loved ones that they lost. We have memorial day for fallen soldiers, but what about the fallen civilians and responders? 

This is important to me because I went to school to be a EMT and Firefighter. During my time in the class we went to visit Ground Zero and the Flight 93 memorial. Although I personally did not have family in those terrorist attacks, those memorials were so emotional. Just thinking about the innocent people who lost their lives breaks my heart. 

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