Saturday, September 14, 2019

It’s time to make a change

Hi Faith —

Congress is back in session. What issue do you want to get on the docket?

Start your free petition today

Starting a petition on is one of the best ways to make change happen – and it's free!

Our platform is used by millions of people in the United States who start, sign, share and promote the petitions they care about. The type of petition you launch is completely up to you. 

We think you'd be great at starting a petition, and we can't wait to see what you'll ask for. Get started today. 

We help brave individuals create change in their communities every day. Some petitions are political, others focus on unfair company policies. We've seen all kinds of petitions win. A few examples include:

- constituents have influenced their elected representatives to pass new laws;

- students have pressured schools to change their dress codes;

- parents have convinced Big Pharma to provide medication for their kids; 

- communities have protected public access to local parks; 

With Senate and House officials back in session, now is a great time to launch a petition. What type of change do you want to see? Start your petition today.

We can't wait to see what you want to change with your new petition.

Amanda Luther,

Start your free petition today

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