Monday, October 21, 2024

this Supreme Court ruling has undermined our democracy since 2010

It has been 14 years since the Supreme Court issued its infamous Citizens United ruling.
  • For all that time, billionaires and Big Business have been free to spend literally as much as they want "influencing" — i.e. corrupting and distorting — our elections.
  • People sense, accurately, that America is becoming a plutocracy — a nation of, by, and for the rich, the rest of us be damned.
  • That gives conspiracists and demagogues an opening to offer false solutions and to exploit fascistic impulses.
  • The very future of our democracy is hanging in the balance.
Public Citizen called for a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United within moments of the decision being handed down on January 21, 2010.

And we've been a leader of that movement ever since — with a remarkable 22 states, along with over 800 cities and towns, passing resolutions or ballot initiatives in support of an amendment.

Now it's time to take the next step toward overturning Citizens United.

The Democracy for All Amendment — which would overturn Citizens United and similarly unfounded Supreme Court rulings — has been introduced in Congress.

Tell Congress: Pass the Democracy for All Amendment to overturn Citizens United and restore real democracy in America.

Click to add your name now.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. What if I've signed petitions before in support of overturning Citizens United?

We need every member of the House and Senate to see that overturning Citizens United has the overwhelming support of the American people. So even if you've signed before, your signature today will add power to our petition and prove that it's that much more representative of the majority of Americans. Add your name now in support of the Democracy for All Amendment to overturn Citizens United.

2. What if my representative and senators are Trumpist reactionaries and/or corporate stooges?

We can't let members of Congress who have sold out to anti-democratic, neo-fascistic, or corporate forces go unchallenged. We need to show them that the majority of their constituents want to save our democracy from the gazillionaires and giant corporations. Add your name now in support of the Democracy for All Amendment to overturn Citizens United.

Thanks for taking action.

For democracy,

- Robert Weissman, Co-President of Public Citizen
Public Citizen | 1600 20th Street NW | Washington DC 20009 | Unsubscribe

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