Saturday, January 20, 2024

re: Trump’s inauguration

What I saw exactly seven years ago, and what could happen one year from today.
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Warren for Senate


Seven years ago today, I watched Donald Trump get sworn in as president.

I went to the inauguration because I wanted it burned into my eyeballs.

That way, just in case I ever got a little tired over the next four years of fighting, I could close my eyes, see him taking the oath of office, and fire myself up to stay in the fight.

But while I was at the ceremony, I could glance down and see another reason to keep fighting: my pink Planned Parenthood scarf.

A young woman from Boston, Kanisha, had just given it to me. She spoke at a Senate forum about the damage the Trump administration could do by repealing the Affordable Care Act and defunding Planned Parenthood. She said she'd counted on Planned Parenthood for access to birth control to treat a health issue. And she knew what it would mean for millions of Americans like her to not have the freedom to make their own decisions about their health care.

Because of so many people like her who spoke out, and because of so many people who turned out to vote, we booted Donald Trump and his Republican enablers out of power in Washington.

But now we're at the beginning of another presidential election year.

We're exactly one year away from potentially witnessing another Donald Trump inauguration.

And we know exactly how much damage he plans to do in a second term.

For starters: He's still promising to repeal the Affordable Care Act. And his MAGA allies are still going after reproductive freedom — even access to birth control.

If Republicans have the House, Senate, and White House, they'll push a nationwide abortion ban — so it wouldn't matter if you live in a state that still has protections now that Roe's gone.

And they'll keep stacking the courts with more extremists — like the one who's tried to take mifepristone off the market across the country.

Wherever you are in America, if you care about abortion rights, if you care about protecting the right of people to have access to abortion, understand this: Donald Trump and the Republicans are coming for you. And your chance to beat that back comes in November 2024, when you vote down not just Trump, but every other Republican on the ballot.

So Faith, can you please split a contribution between the Biden-Harris campaign and our re-election campaign to help prevent a second Trump inauguration, defeat his extremist MAGA enablers up and down the ticket, and push back against their attempts to rip away abortion rights at every level of government?


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I'm running for re-election to stay in the fight against these right-wing extremists. To dismantle the Washington corruption that's let them fester. To keep working alongside President Biden and Vice President Harris to put our government on the side of families.

I can still picture Donald Trump's inauguration. I know what it felt like to watch him become president. And I am determined to keep it from ever happening again.

- Elizabeth

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