Saturday, July 23, 2022

Boy drowns in swim class

Faith — Dori Scott signed her son Izzy up for swim classes. And on just the second day of class, he was found dead in the pool. The instructor claims not to know what happened and local police seem to have dropped the investigation. Izzy's parents want answers and want the business "Swim Lessons with Lexie" to be held accountable to ensure that a tragedy like this never happens again. Join the Scott family and demand justice for Izzy.

Justice for Israel "Izzy" Spencer Scott

63,703 have signed Izzy's Village's petition. Let's get to 75,000!

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From the words of Israel "Izzy's" Spencer Scott mom, Dori Scott, "How does signing your baby up for swim lessons to learn water safety and to prevent them from drowning lead to your baby drowning at swim lessons? How does the sheriff's office investigate, and come to tell you that the instructor doesn't know, nor did anyone see what happened? How is no one held accountable for this and my son has been gone for almost 3 weeks? How does my family ever have closure? How do we ever trust professionals with our babies again? How do you tell a parent they can't stay for the swim class and their child drowns? Everything we do is centered around our kids. Every decision I make, I make it with my kids in mind. My kids are my world and as parents we are supposed to protect them. This is not ok in any shape, form or fashion. People say it gets better but as the days go by it seems to get worse. I have no closure, no answers and no Israel."

Izzy was signed up to receive swim lessons by "Swim Lessons with Lexie." Various reports have been released with conflicting information. It was told that Izzy was 1 of 9 students in the class on Tuesday, June 14 , according to reports. However, Lexie reported that there were 10 swimming across for the last exercise of the class. He was in day 2 of lessons when he was found limp in the pool by Lexie's granddaughter and the family has been left with many unanswered questions as stated by Dori Scott.

The press release report stated, " while there may be some form of negligence, it was determined that the case lacks sufficient evidence to prove criminal negligence." Unfortunately, it seems the local police department and investigation team are done with their investigation.

We believe the case should be thoroughly investigated to ensure another family doesn't have to go through this and the family receive the answers they deserve. Izzy's life mattered. Izzy's death has touched so many and the family has received several messages asking how they could be a part of this. Would you join the family to raise awareness, seek justice for Izzy and find closure? We are asking for the prosecutor successfully present this to a grand juror. Please sign the petition, help get the word out, write letters to the district attorney's office, donate to GoFundMe ( and pray for justice. 
We thank everyone in advance for their continued support, love, prayers and support during this time. 

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