Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Disney's villainous plot?

Faith — Disney wants to build a massive cruise terminal on the island of Eleuthera in the Bahamas. The waters around this island paradise are a marine protected area. Disney's plan would destroy the ecosystem to profit people who don't live on the island. Local citizens are asking for a sustainable alternative that benefits Bahamians – and the environment. Sign to protect Eleuthera before it's too late.

STOP Disney - Last Chance for Lighthouse Point

276,994 have signed Lighthouse Point's petition. Let's get to 300,000!

Sign now with a click

The events of the past year have shone a bright light on the threats posed by global pandemics, climate change, and systemic injustice. Now is the time for transformative action to deal with these challenges. Let's build back better towards a more sustainable and just future. Let's start with Disney at Lighthouse Point.

We are deeply concerned about Disney's plans for a massive cruise ship port at Lighthouse Point that threaten this unique natural place treasured by generations of Bahamians and visitors from around the world. The seas surrounding this southernmost point of the island of Eleuthera are so biologically rich that they have been formally proposed as a Marine Protected Area.

This is NOT the place where an environmentally-responsible corporation would choose to develop a massive cruise ship port,  especially following climate-charged Hurricane Dorian, which struck The Bahamas one year ago. As Dr. Adelle Thomas, a Bahamian human-environment geographer, said, "we cannot continue with a business as usual approach that has resulted in the devastation seen by Dorian." Our future depends on the choices we make today to protect places like the proposed Lighthouse Point Marine Protected Area. 

Join us in challenging Disney to make sure that its draft Environmental Impact Assessment, which is now under consideration by the Government of the Bahamas, is adequate. It must address the realities of climate change, COVID, and systemic injustice and provide an opportunity for meaningful public participation. Disney has the opportunity to show real leadership in making the transformation to a new model of lower-impact, lower-carbon, and higher-community-benefit tourism. Let's make Lighthouse Point a beacon of hope for the future.

Sign the petition to call upon Disney to:

  1. rethink its current plans for a cruise ship port.
  2. work with Bahamian citizen groups on a sustainable alternative for Lighthouse Point.
Sign now with a click

Visit petition page

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