Sunday, August 11, 2019

Harming LGBTQ+ customers

Faith — Equinox gyms came under fire after reports revealed that a board chair and senior investor was throwing a high-dollar fundraiser to re-elect President Trump. Actor and LGBT activist Wilson Cruz, an Equinox member, started this petition which has been covered by hundreds of media outlets. He's asking for your help to call on Equinox leaders to end their support for the Trump re-election campaign.

Demand EQUINOX end its support of DONALD TRUMP

Wilson Cruz-Echevarria started this petition to EQUINOX and it now has 6,240 signatures

Sign now with a click

We joined this gym because we believed it shared our values. We believed it was a safe space for people like us. We believed that we were supporting a company that was inclusive, accepting and celebrating our diversity and supporting our physical and mental health as a community. 

You have a MORAL obligation to be all of those things for your members. Supporting this administration and the myriad of ways in which it undermines and endangers members of our communities is UNACCEPTABLE and if this fundraiser indeed does take place we will be looking for another gym to give our money to and we will be calling on our networks of LGBTQ and POC friends to do the same. 

There is NO WAY that we as a community can continue to support this business if you are actively supporting an administration that puts us in danger and works towards treating us like second class citizens, and worse yet, subhuman. 

We don't understand how this company, which owes its success to its LGBTQ membership especially in its largest markets in California, New York, Miami, Chicago and other big cities around the world thinks it's appropriate to be tied to this fundraiser. 


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Visit petition page

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