Monday, January 21, 2019


Hi Faith –

Last Tuesday marked the 90th birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. and today we celebrate his legacy. As one of America’s most preeminent civil rights leaders, Dr. King helped shape our nation’s understanding of people-power, collective action and social justice. He gave us real-life examples of how communities can come together to advocate for a cause and inspire cultural and legislative changes that are still in effect today.

Through grassroots organizing, boycotts, civil disobedience, and public protests Dr. King and the civil rights movement brought people together to challenge the status quo. That movement drove advances that made discrimination against African Americans and other marginalized groups illegal in hiring, public accommodations, education, transportation and voting.

Dr. King's timeless "I have a dream" speech continues to inspire visions of a better, more equitable American future. Even on the days when that dream still feels far away - I am inspired each and every day by the ordinary people who start campaigns on Change that echo Dr. King's vision, and by people like you who sign them.

Here are 2 active campaigns that you can sign today to help honor Dr. King's legacy:

And we know people who start petitions like these on the Change website have real potential to win, because we’ve seen similar petitions win before. Here are 6 victories that have helped advance civil rights and racial justice thanks to support from people like you:

Thank you for being part of the Change community and helping advance critical petitions like these.

Your signature matters, and your contributions help too. When you chip-in to support a petition, your dollars ensure that the petition will be seen by an even wider audience of supporters. Chipping-in is one way to help your favorite petitions grow and influence those with the power to change policies and laws in communities like yours.


Ansa Edim
Campaigns Team

P.S. If you’re inspired to start a petition of your own, you can do so using our free online petition tools. Get started on your petition today:

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