Tuesday, December 4, 2018

"Kill cages"

Faith — In Aruba, over 5,000 neglected animals are inhumanely held in "kill cages" every year as a means of curbing the population of stray dogs and cats. You can be a voice for these helpless animals. Join the Luna Foundation in petitioning the Aruba government to take action to promote more ethical treatment of animals and funding for shelters. More than 20,000 people have already signed the petition. Will you add your name?

Take A Stand Against The Barbaric Procedures of The Aruba Kill Cage

Petition by Luna Foundation
Massachusetts, United States


Be the voice of the abused and neglected animals of Aruba
Now is the time to take a stand against animal abuse and the brutality that takes place inside the Aruba kill cage, and on the streets of Aruba.  To be clear, the kill cage is NOT the Aruba Animal Shelter, which are both located in Wayaca.   

In an effort to show solidarity against the murderous practices taking place inside the kill cage, your signature on this petition is appreciated.  The purpose of this petition is to raise awareness with the Aruban government about what takes place on a daily basis inside the Aruba kill cage, and to reiterate to the government that inhumane animal practices take place daily in the streets and in neighborhoods of our island. 
Additionally, signing the petition gives you a chance to be a voice for the helpless and often abused or neglected animals on the island, and support the concept of sterilization as a method to get the animal overpopulation under control. A kill cage is not a solution. Killing healthy or treatable animals is not a solution to reducing the street dog and cat population of Aruba. The government must acknowledge what is taking place, and become a bigger part of the solution.

This is what should happen:

  • Financial support from the government to rescue and animal support organizations, and veterinary services, for mass sterilization efforts
  • Government sponsored pet care education in schools and in public seminars
  • Establishment of ethical rules and guidelines for maintaining the kill cage
  • Establishment of humane and ethical guidelines for euthanasia
  • The kill cage should not be connected to the Shelter. It should be located elsewhere.
  • All animals should be scanned prior to been euthanized.
  • Proper shelter should be provided for the animals while being in the cage, such as food, water and shade from the sun
  • All animals should have 24 hours to found by owners and have a chance to get adopted (open a Facebook page)

Your signature tells the government that it is time to assume more responsibility, and encourage it to lead the charge against animal neglect and abuse, and kill cage cruelty, on the beautiful island of Aruba. Over 5000 animals are killed yearly in a barbaric way. That has to STOP!!!

Sign now with a click
Visit petition page

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