Last October, after many months contemplating a sailboat purchase and looking to see what was in our budget, we found Sundance, a 1973 O'Day 27.
A lovely sailboat that has been very nicely restored and maintained, she is extremely stable in the water and sails on the lightest breeze.
It has been months now that I have wanted to start blogging about our adventures in sailing, boat maintenance and repair, so this blog will begin with our August 2009 trip out on the bay.
We depart tomorrow for a sail down the Potomac and into the Chesapeake for some gentle sailing, relaxation and sight seeing. We had considered Montserrat, Colorado and Wyoming for our end-of-summer vacation, but the boat was the final choice. The only other long-distance sailing I have been able to do since we bought her was the trip to move her from the Bohemia River in Maryland to DC, a 240 mile trip that took almost 5 days. Since then, we have spent occasional nights on the boat at the marina in downtown DC (much too noisy to repeat) and on the river. In our area, we have found that many marinas are much too social places for our liking with partying that reaches way too late into the wee hours. An anchor in a solitary spot is a much better choice... until the bass boats roar out at 6:30am...
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