Sunday, February 27, 2022

Hey, Did you say Protein?

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Friday, February 25, 2022

Free Lolita the killer whale

Faith — Lolita is a 56-year-old captive killer whale at the Miami Seaquarium. Even though killer whales are extremely social creatures, Lolita currently lives alone and with very little space to swim. Not only that, the Miami Seaquarium has been cited as feeding Lolita spoiled fish, not giving proper water flow to her tank, along with other safety violations. Lolita's health is at risk. Sign Taylor's petition if you believe that Lolita deserves to be released to a better environment.

Release Lolita

336 have signed Taylor G's petition. Let's get to 500!

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This petition is to urge the Miami Seaquarium to release its 56 year old captive killer whale, Lolita, who was taken from her family in the wild a little over 50 years ago. The tank that she is in is 80 feet long, 20 feet deep, and 35 feet wide. To put that into perspective, Lolita is 20 feet long, and in the wild, killer whales swim 40 miles per day on average and dive 100 to 500 feet, several times in a day. Killer whales are also extremely social creatures with highly developed brains, and Lolita lives in solitary.

The United States Department of Agriculture has cited the Miami Sequarium for things like: feeding Lolita spoiled fish, not documenting tank changes (which resulted in the death of at least two dolphin), poor water flow (leading to the green bacteria and algae that can be seen in Lolita's tank), and a 17 page report with all of the concerning violations. The conditions of the tank that Lolita is in are deplorable, and Lolita has recently come down with pneumonia. The leading Veterinarian was fired after raising concerns over the conditions that the captive animals face, including the ones that the USDA cited as violations.

There are petitions over 7 years old asking that the Miami Seaquarium release Lolita to a seaside sanctuary or back into the Puget Sound where she was taken, but nothing has happened. I kindly ask that you keep putting pressure on the Miami Seaquarium to release Lolita to the Puget Sound or to a Sanctuary, and that we don't give up hope, as Lolita deserves better. 

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Thursday, February 24, 2022

Spring forward

Faith — We're just a few weeks away from the most dreaded Sunday in March – spring forward. Clocks move an hour forward, and we lose an hour of sleep. Daylight saving time is a nuisance. But it turns out it can also impact our health. In the days after DST, people are at a higher risk of stroke, heart attack, and depressive symptoms. Fatal traffic accidents increase by 6%. Philip says DST no longer serves a purpose, and is putting people at risk. Sign his petition to end daylight saving time for good.

End Daylight Saving Time

6,164 have signed Philip Bernard's petition. Let's get to 7,500!

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During the week after the shift to DST, research shows an associated rise in:

Cardiovascular disease, with a 24% higher risk of heart attacks. Injuries, including a 6% spike in fatal car accidents. Stroke rate, which increases by 8%. Mental health and cognitive issues, with an 11% spike in depressive episodes. Digestive and immune-related diseases, such as colitis, which increase by 3% in females over age 60.

Our internal clocks regulate processes including liver function, the immune system, and our body's physiology, which means any disruption can have significant effects.

According to a 2008 U.S. Department of Energy report, the energy savings from switching between daylight saving time and standard time were negligible. Daylight saving time, therefore, no longer serves us any purpose.

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